Travel SEO: 7 Expert Tips for Optimizing Your Tour and Activity Website

tourism website development

If you’ve clicked on this post, you’re probably wondering how to get your website to the top of Google search results. As someone who specializes in tourism website development, I get this question a lot. Today, I’m going to give you 7 actionable tips to optimize your tour and activity website for search engines.

1. Understand Your Audience

Why Audience Understanding is Crucial

Before you can do anything with your SEO, you need to know who you’re targeting. Is your typical customer a budget backpacker or a luxury traveler? Once you know, it’s easier to tailor your website content accordingly.

How to Do It

  • Conduct Surveys: Use Google Forms or SurveyMonkey to gather data from your past clients.
  • Check Competitor Sites: Your competition probably targets similar audiences. Take notes.

2. Keyword Research: The Building Block of SEO

Tools for Keyword Research

My go-to tools for keyword research are Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ubersuggest. Remember to find long-tail keywords that are specific to your niche. For example, instead of just “Paris tours,” you might go for “best walking tours in Paris.”

3. On-Page SEO: Time to Optimize

Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

These are what show up in Google search results. Make sure they’re compelling and include your main keywords.

Image Alt Text

Always include alt text in your images. Search engines can’t “see” images but they can read alt text. Describe the image and, if possible, include a keyword.

4. High-Quality Content is King

Blogging: Your Secret Weapon

Start a blog if you haven’t already. Blogging allows you to use a myriad of keywords naturally and provides value to your audience. For instance, I once wrote a blog post about “The Top 5 Hidden Beaches in Thailand,” and it was a hit! It drove significant traffic to our site, thanks to strategic keyword use and genuine value to the reader.


Update your blog regularly. Google loves fresh content, and so do your readers.

5. Backlinks: Don’t Ignore These

What Are Backlinks?

These are external websites that link to your site. Google views these as endorsements, meaning your site gains more authority.

How to Gain Backlinks

  • Guest Posts: Offer to write guest posts on other blogs in exchange for a link back to your site.
  • Partnerships: Collaborate with companies in the tourism industry to exchange links.

6. Speed and Mobile Optimization

Why It’s Important

Nobody wants to wait forever for a website to load. Plus, Google penalizes slow websites.

How to Do It

  • Compress Images: Large image files can slow down your site. Use image compression tools.
  • Mobile Optimization: Make sure your website is mobile-friendly. Most people use mobile devices for web browsing these days.

7. Track Your Success

Tools for Tracking

Use Google Analytics to monitor your SEO efforts. You’ll be able to see which keywords are driving the most traffic and what aspects of your SEO strategy need tweaking.

Stay Updated

SEO is a long-term investment. Always keep yourself updated with the latest SEO trends and changes in Google’s algorithm.

About the Company

For those of you who are feeling overwhelmed or could use professional help, Tourism Tiger is here for you. Specializing in the best tour website design and more, Tourism Tiger offers a variety of services tailored to your needs.

Phew! That’s a lot, but trust me, if you take the time to implement these tips, you’ll be climbing the ranks in no time. Here’s to more bookings and a thriving business!

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About the Author: John Vick

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