Improve HR Communication At Workplaces With 6 Steps

HR communication

HR communication is how companies talk to or communicate with their workers. This blog will show you how to improve HR communication at work and get more out of your employees.

Communication is a must for people to thrive, do their jobs well, and make sure their employees are happy. When people at all levels of a company are encouraged to talk to each other, morale, productivity, and commitment can all go up.

HR communication makes HR focus on employee training, benefits, pay, and any other news about the company. All of this information helps employees do their jobs well, but sometimes the link between employees and leaders breaks.

Gallup says that 74% of employees feel like they’re missing out on company news and information, and other research shows that a huge 72% of employees don’t fully understand the company’s strategy.

So, how do you make sure that HR and employees have a good way to talk to each other?

Read the blog post below and know exactly how to improve HR communication effortlessly.

6 Steps To Improve HR Communication At Your Workplace

  1. Make a long-term plan for communicating with employees

First, it’s important to develop a good communication strategy using social intranet tools to boost productivity, improve employee relations, and ensure everyone is talking to each other.

This is important for measuring HR communication in the company so you can figure out what works and what doesn’t and how to make changes based on what you find.

60% of companies don’t have a long-term plan for how they’ll talk to their own employees. No matter how big your business is, you need a long-term plan for how your employees will talk to each other.

Your plan for communicating with people inside your company should include key steps like:

  • By doing an audit, you can learn about the structure of your company and what your employees need in terms of employee relations and HR communication.
  • Setting clear goals can help you keep your employees up-to-date, get them more involved, or help them find meaning at work.
  • Choosing how you’ll talk to your employees. It’s important to choose the right way to talk to people, whether it’s through an employee engagement app, a social intranet platform, or something else.
  • Choosing the kind of content you’ll share with people inside your company.
  1. Invest in a communication system that does everything

Having a single, safe HR platform is an important part of HR communication. This should include everything you know about your employees, including:

  • Employment History,
  • Contract Details, Salary,
  • Diversity Information,
  • Documents,
  • Company Assets,
  • Performance Records, And
  • Absence History

Every employee should be able to use this platform to their advantage, and all company documents, like policies, procedures, standard templates, guidance notes, and forms, should be easily accessible.

This means if an employee doesn’t know or has forgotten an important company policy or procedure, the information they need is available at a click.

  1. Encourage people to talk face-to-face

HR relies too much on email for internal communication, which can cause confusion because the tone of voice and facial expressions are not taken into account. This kind of miscommunication hurts employee relationships and job performance because companies rarely have time to tailor these conversations to each employee.

But if one of your company’s goals is to build trust among your employees, it would be better to talk to them in person instead of typing. Since many employees work from home, it’s easy to have these conversations through a simple video call. Verbal communication builds and strengthens relationships within an organisation by keeping people feeling friendly, honest, and real with each other.

According to a recent study, 60% of the emails employees get are not important. You might want to rethink your HR communications strategy and start using an HRMS app that lets you share company content with your employees.

  1. Pay attention to the company culture

Employees will talk to each other better if they all work toward the same goal and share the same culture. The HR department should try to have the same kind of vibe as the rest of the company.

Only 23% of executives say that their companies do a great job of aligning the goals of their employees’ goals with the company’s goals. So, having a shared culture not only helps the business be consistent but also helps organisations have an open and friendly place to work.

Great company culture will also make the workplace fun and interesting, which can lead to more work getting done and better relationships between employees. It’s important to have a work culture that is open and honest so that HR, management, and employees can trust each other.

  1. Post interesting content

Start by thinking about your employees as part of your target audience. The content of a business needs to be written for them just as much as it is written for other groups.

Most people learn best by seeing, and your employees are no exception.

75% of employees would rather watch a video than read text. When it comes to internal communications, most companies still send long emails. The key is to share interesting content that will improve how HR communicates with employees and what they learn.

Some of this information could be:

  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Newsletters that you can interact with
  • Visually engaging company news
  1. Implement surveys

Surveys are a great way to get your employees’ feedback and improve the relationship between HR and the team. Surveys make two-way communication easier. Your employees will feel more engaged and in control, and you’ll get valuable information and data that you can use to improve your strategy.

When employees are happy with their jobs, they are much more likely to be happy, engaged, and productive at work. So, putting in place employee engagement or satisfaction surveys in your organisation will make HR communications a lot better.


We hope that ways to improve HR communication are clearer to you now than before by reading the steps above. Using smart tech tools like a social intranet is beneficial for you these days. It will help you implement all the strategies listed above in a unified interface. uKnowva is one of those platforms that provides a holistic social intranet and does much more.

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About the Author: John Vick

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