Divorce and Trauma: 7 Tips to Help Your Kids Get Back on Track

adjustment phase

Making sure that children thrive after a divorce is one of the top priorities. While it is true that divorces are complex for children of all ages to bear, there are many things parents can do to ensure that their children feel supported during the process.

It’s typical for youngsters to experience an adjustment phase after learning that their parents are getting a divorce. As family ties are rearranged, and a new “normal” is established, it’s typical for everyone involved to experience a period of adjustment.

Many Child psychologists advise not to become overly worried by some of the reactions you may observe at the beginning of the change. She says, “consider how chaotic it feels for the grownups in the situation, who at least have some control.”

Honor that adjustment period since it must occur and refrain from saying, “I just want you to be happy.” You want to avoid unintentionally pressuring kids to accept and be glad about a divorce. Of course, you want your children to be happy, but allowing them the space to work through their own emotions is a crucial part of adjusting.

Observe their feelings

Encourage kids to express their emotions by telling them it’s acceptable to be upset or angry. Parents can tell their kids, “We want to know how you feel about this, and you won’t hurt our feelings if you tell us how you feel,

Giving your child the chance to be honest may be easier said than done since what she says may be challenging to hear. Because they don’t want to upset their parents — or make them feel worse, if kids are already concerned about a parent who is sad about the break-up — youngsters may try to shield their parents from the truth about how they’re feeling. However, it is not a child’s responsibility to cheer up their parents, and you don’t want to unintentionally convey the idea that you would also be depressed if your child is down.

Most experienced advisers said, “Be careful not to let it hurt your feelings. Then make it evident that you are interested in what your child says. Obtain the assistance you require to deal with how you and your child are feeling and how it affects you. Consultation with divorce lawyers can help you to understand the legal understanding of divorce.

Please do your best to listen to your child without interjecting to respect their emotions. Every parent has the instinct to step in and shield their child from terrible situations, but divorce is unavoidably painful.

Your child will feel heard and feel their opinion matters if you step back and listen to them. It also demonstrates that their feelings are not a problem that has to be fixed or “gotten over.” This calls for the kind of attentive listening and empathy that psychologists call “validation.”

For instance, if your daughter claims to be furious, rather than immediately trying to cheer her up, you could acknowledge her feelings by expressing your understanding of her situation and asking her to elaborate.

What to anticipate, and how to react ?

There are things you can do to help your kids deal in the healthiest way possible, even though it is typical for children to go through an adjustment period in which they may be struggling. Here are some specific concerns or actions that parents could notice, along with suggestions for assisting.


Mainly younger children frequently believe that they contributed to their parents’ divorce, according to Jamie Howard, PhD, a clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute. Dr. Howard claims that young children are more likely to blame themselves since they are so young and innocent. “You want to ensure that you tell them specifically that it’s not their fault, even if you believe they won’t necessarily understand it.”


Many children may experience anxiety due to the fundamental regular disruptions brought on by divorce. Making sure kids know exactly what to expect can be helpful if you observe indications of worry in your kids. How will their new living arrangements be, for instance? To help more minor children understand where they will be each day, put a calendar on the wall.

If you can create a reliable routine, it will reassure kids, so you should give it utmost attention as a parent. According to several researches, children struggle more if their parents have trouble deciding how to co-parent and what that would entail. Therefore, you’ll notice youngsters settling in more quickly and experiencing less difficulties the earlier you can establish a routine and have it be regular and predictable.

Behavioral problems

Children can start behaving more irrationally. This could be a further indication of worry or it is simply an effort to ascertain what the new boundaries are. In either case, establishing a structured atmosphere with defined behavioral expectations should be helpful.

Without as much structure, kids could use this as an opportunity to push limits, leading to worsening behavior. Keep both houses’ routines consistent as much as you can, suggests Dr. Howard.


Additionally, it is typical for children to demand extra parental attention in response to a significant change in their lives. Some children will need more parental and adult support in tasks they used to be able to do independently. You might notice that their sleep schedule is thrown off, or they’ll need you to provide them with some self-care tasks more frequently than they used to.


Parents might observe the reverse, that their children are growing more distant or withdrawn. While it’s vital to give kids their space, you also want to provide them with an opportunity to interact with you, so think about suggesting a special outing that would be particularly enticing or other ways to connect. Additionally, be sure to try your best to be accessible to talk if your child wants to and to listen attentively to him when he does.


Try to rekindle your child’s interest in his favorite activities or persuade him to want to hang out with friends if you see that he has grown disinterested in them. These outlets are crucial if you want to keep things feeling regular. If your child continues to avoid situations, you should be on the lookout for signs of depression, adjustment disorder, or school refusal, all of which are connected to divorce.

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About the Author: John Vick

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