Everything You Need to Know About Baby Teeth

Baby Teeth

You’ve just welcomed a new little one into the world, and one of the many things you will have to learn about is oral health! While putting baby teeth on the back burner is easy, it’s important to start caring for them early on.

In this post, we’ll go over everything you need to know about baby teeth. From when they start emerging to how to clean them, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading for helpful tips and information!

When do Do Baby Teeth start to Come In?

Most babies will start to get their baby teeth at around six months old. Remember, each baby is unique, so don’t worry if your little one isn’t teething simultaneously like everyone else.

There are twenty baby teeth in all, and they will eventually fall out and be replaced by adult teeth. For now, though, your little one will need your help to take care of their new teeth. As a parent, it’s important to know why do baby teeth matter and how do I care for them?

How Many Teeth Do Babies Have?

You probably know that babies are born without teeth, but did you know that they start to get their baby teeth at around six months old? By the time they’re three years old, most children will have a complete set of 20 baby teeth!

Babies’ teeth are called primary ones and play an essential role in their development. Not only do they help them chew solid food, but they also act as placeholders for the adult teeth that will come later.

As your baby starts to lose their teeth, they are naturally replaced with permanent adult teeth.

How to care for your baby’s teeth?

Now that you know all about your baby’s teeth, what will you do to take care of them? Here are some tips:

-Make sure your baby is brushing their teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste

-Brush your baby’s teeth for them until they can do it themselves

-Take your baby to the dentist for their first check-up when their first tooth emerges

 What indicates teething?

There are a few signs that your baby is teething, including:

  • Excessive drooling
  • Mouth sores
  • Chewing on everything (especially fingers and toys)
  • Increased fussiness or irritability
  • Swollen gums

Using a small toothbrush and suitable toothpaste specifically designed for babies is a good idea. Talk to your dentist about dental products to use.

What Age Should You Bring Your Infant to the Dentist?

Parents usually wait until their baby’s first birthday to take them to the dentist for the first time, but it’s a good idea to take them in before that. From early on, you should start cleaning your baby’s gums with a soft cloth or baby toothbrush. In addition to getting them accustomed to having their teeth cleaned, this will aid in removing any bacteria or plaque and get them used to having their mouths cleaned.

How to Get Your Baby to Love Dental Hygiene?

It’s never too early to teach your child good oral hygiene habits. However, the sooner, the better; they will develop good oral care habits that will last a lifetime. These are some tips for them to love dental hygiene:

  1. Make it fun!

One way to make brushing teeth fun for kids is to turn it into a game. Try making a chart with stickers or rewards for brushing their teeth for a certain amount of time each day.

  1. Get them used to the taste and feel of toothpaste early on.

Babies may not like the taste of toothpaste at first, but getting them used to it is essential so they’ll be less resistant when they’re older. You can start using minimal toothpaste on their toothbrush from 6 months and gradually increase the amount as they age.

  1. Make brushing teeth part of their routine.

Regular brushing is just as important for babies as it is for adults. Try brushing your child’s teeth at the same time every day, preferably right after breakfast or dinner, when they’re most likely to have food particles in their mouths.


You want to ensure that your child has a healthy and happy smile, and taking care of their baby teeth is a big part of that. Following the tips outlined in this post can help your child have strong and healthy teeth that will last a lifetime.

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About the Author: John Vick

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