7 Ways Exercise Can Help Manage Diabetes

7 Ways Exercise Can Help Manage Diabetes

People with diabetes can control their blood sugar and weight better if they exercise often. It could also
improve your overall health and happiness, make you less likely to have a heart attack or stroke, and lower
your chances of getting cardiovascular disease. A proper sugar chart is fundamental to maintaining a
healthy lifestyle.

People with prediabetes may benefit from exercise because it lowers their risk of diabetes. The American
Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends that people exercise moderately for at least 150 minutes weekly.
There are many ways in which exercise is good for your health. But if you want long-term changes, you
must stick to the diabetes control programme.

If you haven’t exercised in a while but want to start, talk to your doctor first to ensure there aren’t any
restrictions or extra precautions you need to take. Most of the time, it’s best to start small and work up
to the main goal.

Need help figuring out where to begin? By doing these seven exercises, you can help yourself reach your fitness goals.

You don’t have to spend much money or join a gym to increase your heart rate. You can start immediately
if you already have a good pair of shoes and a safe walking place. You may be aerobically fit enough if you
walk quickly for 30 minutes five days a week. A study done in 2021 found that people with type 2 diabetes
who walked might have lower blood pressure, HbA1c levels, and body mass index. In addition, walking
will help you to maintain your sugar chart level.

  • Yoga

In 2016, researchers found that yoga may help people with diabetes control their blood sugar, cholesterol,
and weight. This could make you feel better, help you sleep better, and lower your blood pressure. You
can enrol at a nearby studio or gym to try yoga. If possible, you can also register yourself on a diabetes
control programme. Then, with the help of a trained professional, you can move from one position to
another while keeping your body in good alignment and breathing properly.

  • Swimming

Swimming and other low-impact water sports are good ways to get in shape. Swimming, water aerobics,
aqua jogging, and other water-based sports can benefit your heart, lungs, and muscles and help reduce
stress on your joints. In addition, exercise in the water may have the same effect on blood sugar levels as
on land. Swimming might also help you improve your body composition and make it easier to stay at a
healthy weight.

  • Team sports

If you need more motivation to work out, join a team for a fun sport. Please get to know your teammates
and decide to keep going to games or introduce them to a diabetes control programme. This will give you
the drive you need to show up often. The heart and lungs benefit from a lot of popular activities. You
should try a different sport, such as soccer, basketball, softball, couples tennis, or ultimate frisbee.

  •  Aerobatic

You can reach your fitness goals by joining an aerobics class or another workout programme. For example,
Zumba is an aerobics programme based on dance and combines parts of different dance styles. A reliable
source says that after 16 weeks of Zumba classes, women with type 2 diabetes felt more motivated to
work out. Along with losing weight, many people also got in better shape. It is essential to maintain your
sugar chart level.

  •  Weightlifting

Strength training, like weightlifting, helps muscles grow and may increase the amount of energy burned
at rest. In addition, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) says lifting weights may make it easier to
keep your blood sugar under control.
Weightlifting can be done with weight machines, free weights, or even big items from around the house,
like cans or water bottles. You could do it as part of your weekly workout routine and keep track of your
sugar level. If you know where to begin with weightlifting, you can sign up for a class or talk to a personal

  • Resistance band training

Besides lifting weights, there are many other ways to get your muscles in shape. For example, you can
perform various exercises to build muscle with resistance bands. To learn how to use resistance bands
correctly in your fitness routine, you should see a personal trainer, sign up for a resistance band class, or
watch a resistance band workout video.

A study from 2018 found that using resistance bands while lifting weights may help you get stronger and
better control your blood sugar. You can also include a resistance band in the diabetes control
programme. Exercising with resistance bands is a great way to stay in shape and maintain your sugar chart

The key to successful diabetes management is to move your body often and make healthy lifestyle
changes. Of course, the best type of exercise for you will depend on your fitness level, interests, and goals.
But by adding one of the activities above to your routine, you will benefit both physically and mentally. If
you need help with exercise or diabetes management, contact a medical professional or certified diabetes
educator for guidance and support.


Regular exercise has many benefits, such as treating type 2 diabetes and improving overall health.
However, if you have type 2 diabetes or other health problems, you should talk to your primary care
doctor before starting a diabetes control programme. They could teach you how to use the equipment so
you don’t hurt yourself, and they could even help prevent accidents.

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About the Author: John Vick

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